Thursday, January 6, 2011

January - The Month We've Been Weighting For

OMG. Let me just say this about that.

Fatty, you are the man. A masochistic, insane, crazy, self-denying guy. If you can deny yourself this bike, then what are a few bags of chips? Saying no to this bike and not say no to chocolate truffles??? The power of truffles are nothing compared to this sweet ride.

Even had I thought of such horrendous self torture, I could not have left my Superfly 100 in it's box.  Self denial is not my strong suit.

I needed to drop ten then.  I need to drop ten now.

How on earth can it be so difficult?

I have no explanation for that.  None.  It just is.

I am going to go out on a limb here. 

Exercise has nothing to do with it.  Exercise is a given - like breathing.   Fat, thin, or in between, if you don't exercise, then get going.  Period.  

Now, about the food....

Eat lean proteins, monounsaturated fats, lots of veggies and fruit.  Hydrate.

Why on Earth is that so difficult?

I don't know.  It just is.


1 comment:

  1. Ya sounds simple. Why isn't it? I don't have an answer.


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