Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Vomit Quilt



Officially it's the Jungle Quilt (because Tiia, the Chick's friend with the new baby, worked at the zoo.) 

But here at home it is affectionately known as The Vomit Quilt. 
When I first started putting those colors together,  Popeye came in and said, "So whatcha makin'?  A baby quilt?"  

"Yup, a baby quilt." 

"Oh.  That's good." 

"Uh, why is that good?" 

"Because if the kid throws up on it, no one will notice." 

I think he was joking, but I'm really not sure. 
Oh well, in the event that Tiia thinks it's hideous, at least Pepper likes it. 
And I could always hang it in the dining room - for Popeye to enjoy during meals, right?  




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