Sunday, April 17, 2011

LSD and the Munchies


Lysergic acid diethylamide, abbreviated LSD or LSD-25, also known as lysergide and colloquially as acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family, well known for its psychological effects which can include altered thinking processes, closed and open eye visuals, synaesthesia, an altered sense of time and spiritual experiences, as well as for its key role in 1960s counterculture.  [sic]  LSD is non-addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, and has extremely low toxicity relative to dose, although adverse psychiatric reactions such as anxiety or delusions are possible even at low doses.  (Wikipedia)

There used to be a commercial:

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing". 

It comes to mind because I just spent a bunch of hours at the computer.  And I am now saying, "I can't believe I erased the whole thing". 

**it happens.  Especially on this editing program.  Not the first time.

But maybe this one time, it's just as well.  A little time travel can be entertaining, but I'm over it.  The psychedelic 60's can wait for another day.  I like the title though.  I think I'll leave it.

Every week or so we get an email newsletter from

"How to Lose Weight to Train" catches my eye.

Five easy steps.  1 - 4.  Been there, knew that.

But, Ooo!  Check out #5.  Who doesn't love a Quick Start on weight loss?

And LSD! 

For a moment, flashbacks to the LSD years seduce me.  I have forgotten a lot of things, but not the mind bending highs, the altered state of consciousness, the spiritual awakening.  Those, I remember.  

The thought of doing LSD again momentarily offsets any memory of the bad-trip Twiggy years. 

Excited, I read on.

"#5   Fasting Workouts  -  a long easy run undertaken in a glycogen deprived state. That means you don't eat before you start and you don't take in any carbs along the way. This forces your body to rely on fat to fuel the workout, making it a great fat burning session."

(The advice is to do this once a week for a month of quick start weight loss.)

Here, check it out for yourself.

See, right there on page 2.


Long Slow Distance.  (What were you thinking?)

No Gu.  No sushi rice bars to make.  No bananas.  No Gatorade.

Well, that's just too easy. I haven't had lunch yet. I could go right now!

So go I did.  Not running, unfortunately.  But a few easy hours on the bike?  No problem.

Only... it was a problem.  The water bottle got refilled twice.  But the 4 hours since breakfast added to the 2 hours I was out riding...   Oh yeah, it was a problem.

Slow, it was.  Distance?  The ride could have been hours/miles longer with some Gatorade along.  Or a peanut butter sandwich. 

Light headed by three.  Glad to be home early.  The only route left to navigate?  A spinning hallway, leading to a change of dry clothes.

Whoa.  Bad trip.

Reel back out to the desk.

OK, where's that article?

I check back in.

OK,, I did your miserable Long Starving Distance, so what's next?

What should I eat for my overdue lunch?

I need to know.  I need to know now.  

What’s the use of burning it off, if you eat the wrong thing when you get back and put it right back on? 

Was it a fat burning workout?  No clue.  The glucose is gone, though.  Even in my mind-altered state, that's one thing my buzzing brain is sure about.

It's good to have a plan for STARVATION mode.  Without a plan, bad things happen.

So I reread #5.  No plan. 

I reread the whole article.  No plan.

What's this?  No words of wisdom about following up on this latest incarnation of LSD, Long Starving Distance?

Hey.  I rode the ride.  I starved.

What do I do now?

I could search for the book and read the whole thing.  Make sure there's follow-up advice.  A Step B for every Step A.  But right this minute the room is spinning, and I am not going anywhere. 

Glaring omissions like that one could drive a habitual always-carrying-a-few-extra-pounds-type, like me, straight into candidate-for-Biggest-Loser-mode. 

Let's just hope it was due to the brevity requirements for articles, and not that refueling requirements are ignored by the author. That would be too bad.

Meanwhile I try to derail the starvation by doing what a "real runner" would do.  Avoid "I can't believe I ate the whole thing", and eat a normal lunch.  Leftover chicken from the fridge, salad, some grapes.

Regardless, I am up two pounds the next day.

Call me old fashioned. I still like LSD.

I love trippin', especially on the bike. 

But to sustain the high, and the ride, I'm taking calories along.

Because, doing LSD means you've come a long way baby.  

No plan for coming down?  Whoa, bummer.

I wrote this a while back, like February.  Maybe I was too bonked to click on "publish"?  

But it comes to mind because it's Saturday night.  There's a Full Moon Hash tonight, maybe 6 hours rest, and an early up for the century tomorrow.  My PB&J is already in the fridge.  

Sunday morning.  Oops.  We didn't make it up in time for the century.  I know.  Unprecedented, right?  But a late start doesn't mean that PB&J won't get put to good use. 

After all, we've got bikes.  And we've got all day. 

LSD, non-addictive?  I beg to differ.

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